Seismic data process via ObsPy

1 Basic Seismic Data Processing

1.1 Detrend / Filter Data

detrend() is provided to remove a trend from the trace. There are many methods listed for detrend function (simple, linear, constant …), please refer to obspy.core.trace.Trace.detrend

To better visualize and demonstrate the effect of detrending, we will provide some examples with significant trends, and show the effect of detrend function.

1.1.1 Remove Mean

You can download the waveform file here. PA01.bhy We first read the downloaded waveform file.

from obspy import read
rmean_raw = read('PA01.bhy')  ## Read waveform files into an ObsPy Stream object.

# Plot the waveform without any processing and copy the stream.
rmean_processed = rmean_raw.copy()  ## Copy the raw stream to the new one to be processed


This operation is performed in place on the actual data arrays. If you want to see the difference before and after the processing of data. It is better to copy the stream as the processing will overwrite the original waveforms.

Now let’s detrend the waveforms and plot it again.


# You can compare the raw and processed waveforms by overlapping them.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for tr in rmean:
    data1 =

for tr in rmean_test:
    data2 =
plt.plot(data2,color='blue',label='removed mean')


Here is the result.


1.1.2 Remove Linear trend

You can download the waveform file here. LLT.E.Vel.BF.SAC The procedures are the same with remove mean, but use .detrend("linear") to remove linear trend. Follows is the result.


1.2 Filter Data

Filtering data removes the noise so that we can identify the phases easier in the filtered waveforms. You can apply different filters to extract the signal of interest from the raw data. filter function provides different filters. For example, bandpass, highpass and lowpass.

To further understand the effects of different filter, you can download the waveform file here PA03.bhz for practice.

from obspy import read

# Read the waveform file
raw_data = read('./PA03.bhz')

# Plot the raw waveform

# Copy the waveform for further processing
processed_low = raw_data.copy()

# Filter the waveform with lowpass filter

# Plot the waveform and spectrogram to see the difference

You can try with different filters using the above code. Here is the comparison using different filters

../_images/waveform_raw.png ../_images/waveform_low.png ../_images/spec_raw.png ../_images/spec_low.png ../_images/waveform_band.png ../_images/waveform_high.png ../_images/spec_band.png ../_images/spec_high.png

1.3 Waveform rotation

For better reconigizing particlar seismic waves, such as Love waves and Rayleigh waves, we will rotate a seismogram from the North - East coordinate to Radial- Transverse coordinate.

Here we provide a example. You can download the waveform file here. BINY.N and BINY.E

## import modules that needed in processing
from obspy import read
from obspy.signal import rotate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Read the North-East components
rotation_N = read('BINY.N')

# Read the South-West components
rotation_E = read('BINY.E')

# print out the meta data

# The data of North -East components
north = rotation_N[0].data

east = rotation_E[0].data

# Get the back azimuth.
Baz = rotation_N[0].stats.sac.baz

# Rotate the data into radial and transverse components.
Radial, Transverse = rotate.rotate_ne_rt(north,east,Baz)  ## rotate waveforms from North - East components to radial and transverse component

# Plot the result
../_images/rotate_radial.png ../_images/rotate_transverse.png

1.4 Seismic Phases in seismogram

Many seismic phases can be presented in the seismogram. For beginners, we can focus on P - and S - waves. Here is the demonstration of picking P - and S - waves in a teleseismic earthquake.


We will introduce the picking method in next section!

2 TauP

TauP is a toolkit to calculate the seismic travel time calculator. It handles many types of velocity models and calculate times for virtually any seismic phase with a phase parser.


Seismic velocity model is the velocity profile of P and S waves along depth. IASP91 model is commonly used.

TauP can provide us a reference for identifying different phases. We can also compare it with the real arrivals, the difference between actual and theoretical arrival may interpret as a site effect.

2.1 Source Configuration

Input the information of the source (earthquake)

eq_lat = -8.624
eq_lon = 123.202
eq_dep = 171.9

2.2 Receiver Configuration

Input the information of the receiver (station)

sta_lat = -8.4882
sta_lon = 123.2696

2.3 Travel Time Calculation

There are 2 methods to calculate the travel time.

Method 1

from obspy.taup import TauPyModel
# Import the velocity model
model = TauPyModel(model="iasp91")

from obspy.geodetics import locations2degrees

for tr in st:
    # calculate the distance in degree between the source and receiver
    deg_distance = locations2degrees(sta_lat, sta_lon,eq_lat, eq_lon)

    # Get the arrivals using the model configured
    arrivals = model.get_travel_times(source_depth_in_km=eq_dep, distance_in_degree=deg_distance, )

location2degrees calculate the great circle distance between 2 points on a spherical earth

model.get_travel_times get the travel times of the phases

Method 2

p_arrival,s_arrival = model.get_travel_times_geo(source_depth_in_km=eq_dep,

model.get_travel_times_geo get the travel times of the phases given geographical data

Then you can get the travel time of P - and S waves.

print(p_arrival, "\n", s_arrival)

#Output P - and S waves arrival time(s)
print(p_arrival.time, s_arrival.time)

2.4 Visualise the result

Plot the theoretical travel time onto the waveform.

# Import matplotlib module
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import date2num

# Make figure
fig = plt.figure()

# Axis of the plot
ax = fig.axes[0]
# Add vertical line across the axes

3 Section Plot

3.1 Waveform cross-section plot

We have introduce how to make a waveform cross-section plot in 2.6. For this section, we would like to add the calculated TauP arrivals onto to waveform cross-section plot.

bulk = [('YS', 'BAOP', '', 'BHZ', origin_time, origin_time+120),
        ('YS', 'HADA', '', 'BHZ', origin_time, origin_time+120),
        ('YS', 'SINA', '', 'BHZ', origin_time, origin_time+120),
        ('YS', 'BKOR', '', 'BHZ', origin_time, origin_time+120),
        ('YS', 'ALRB', '', 'BHZ', origin_time, origin_time+120)]

st = client.get_waveforms_bulk(bulk)

# Input the coordinates of stations
ALRB_loc = [-8.2194, 124.4115]
BAOP_loc = [-8.4882, 123.2696]
BKOR_loc = [-8.4868, 122.5509]
HADA_loc = [-8.3722, 123.5454]
SINA_loc = [-8.1838, 122.9124]

# Loop, get the station coordinates and calculate the distance
for tr in st:
    sta = tr.stats.station
    if sta == 'ALRB':
        sta_lat = ALRB_loc[0]
        sta_lon = ALRB_loc[1]
    if sta == 'BAOP':
        sta_lat = BAOP_loc[0]
        sta_lon = BAOP_loc[1]
    if sta =='BKOR':
        sta_lat = BKOR_loc[0]
        sta_lon = BKOR_loc[1]
    if sta =='HADA':
        sta_lat = HADA_loc[0]
        sta_lon = HADA_loc[1]
    if sta =='SINA':
        sta_lat = SINA_loc[0]
        sta_lon = SINA_loc[1]

    tr.stats.distance = gps2dist_azimuth(sta_lat, sta_lon,eq_lat, eq_lon)[0]

# To check the result, you can print the distance with stations.
for tr in st:
   print(tr.stats.station, tr.stats.distance)

3.2 TauP travel time

from obspy import taup

# velocity model configuration
model = taup.TauPyModel(model="iasp91")

p_time = []
s_time = []
sta = []
for tr in st_bulk:
    # Get the station location for the input
    station_coordinate = str(tr.stats.station)+"_loc"

    p_arrival ,s_arrival = model.get_travel_times_geo(source_depth_in_km=eq_dep,
    print(p_arrival, s_arrival)
    # Append lists by stations, p & s arrivals

The goal for us is to get the P - and S wave arrival of each station and save them into lists so that we can handle the result later.

3.3 Output the TauP result as text file for further processing

As we are handling the data with more than 1 station, it is better for us to save the TauP result in a txt file.

# Make a table using pandas and save it to the text file
import pandas as pd
# List to pandas.dataframe
Station = pd.DataFrame(sta)
P_arrival = pd.DataFrame(p_time)
S_arrival = pd.DataFrame(s_time)

# Combine the column together and make a table
tauP_result = pd.concat([Station, P_arrival, S_arrival], axis=1)

# Output the table as a text file
tauP_result.to_csv('taup_result.txt',sep=' ', index=False, header=False)


Pandas is a python library which is used to analyse data.

pd.DataFrame Data structure

pd.concat concatenate pandas objects along a particular axis with optional set logic along the other axes

pd.to_csv write object to a comma-separated values (csv) file

3.4 Trim and filter data

# Trim the waveform data - shorter time range
st.trim(origin_time, origin_time + p_time[0]+150)
# Filter the waveform
st.filter('bandpass', freqmin=2, freqmax=15)

trim() cut all traces with given start time and end time

3.5 Add more components on your plot

Then you can add more components in the plot. For example, station name, calculated P - and S wave arrival time.

# Add more components onto the section plot
import numpy as np

ax = fig.axes[0]
# Add title
ax.set_title('Waveform cross-section plot')

# Add station names next to the waveforms
for tr in st:
    ax.text((tr.stats.distance / 1e3)+1, 1, tr.stats.station, rotation=270,va="top", ha="center", zorder=10)

# Load the tauP output text file
ps_pick = np.loadtxt('taup_result.txt', dtype=str)
# Mark the P & S arrival onto the waveform plot

for tr in st:
    # Find the P & S arrivals by stations
    sta = tr.stats.station
    print(ps_pick[ps_pick[:,0] == sta,1 ])

    # Y-axis
    p_pick = float(ps_pick[ps_pick[:,0] == sta,1 ])
    s_pick = float(ps_pick[ps_pick[:,0] == sta,2 ])
    # Offset (x-axis) in km
    offset = tr.stats.distance/1e3
    # Make the scatter plot
    ax.scatter(offset,p_pick, c ='b', marker = '_',s=150)
    ax.scatter(offset,s_pick, c ='r', marker = '_',s=150)

axes.set_title set a title for the axes

axes.text add text to the axes

np.loadtxt load the data from the text file

axes.scatter a scatter plot of y vs. X with varying marker size and/or colour

# plot again

st.plot(type='section', recordstart=0, recordlength=60, time_down=True, linewidth=.5, grid_linewidth=.5, show=False, fig=fig)

# Save the figure
# dpi = how many pixels the figure comprises

The section plot is just a recap of the previous section. Let’s have a try!!

4 Exercises

Here is the event information of a magnitude 7.7 earthquake occurred in 2018.


Origin time: 2017/07/17 23:34:13.870 (UTC)
Location (lat/lon/dep): 54.4715| 168.8148| 10.99
Magnitude: mww,7.7,us
  1. The above is an earthquake with magnitude 7.3, try to find a station that was operating during the event and download the waveform data. (10 marks)

  2. Visualize the waveforms and the frequency content of the phases (10 marks)

  3. Make filter to highlight the phases of the seismic trace. and Plot the waveform again with clear P- and S-waves arrivals (20 marks)

  4. Try to identify the Love and Rayleigh waves and estimate their arrivals. (30 marks)

  5. Plot a cross-section with title(5) , station names(5) , P - and S - wave arrival(10). And estimate the apparent velocity of P and S wave(10). (30 marks)